So the Makeb pre-order button just went live today and while I'm not livid, it is one more straw that's about to break my camel's back. First it was pay-to-win lowbie PVP with +41 expertise crystals at level 10, then it was grade 7 ship parts for rock bottom prices in the cartel shop and now this?
Makeb was originally supposed to be free and to go back on that, like no one would remember what we were told at E3 is just... well that's ballsy.
I wish I hadn't just signed up for a 6 month sub. I'm not on the verge of quitting just yet, but I don't like where their new business model is going and I'd like to be able to drop as soon as it becomes too much.
They discuss Makeb at about the 5 minute mark, if you need proof that it was intended to be free.
I'm also pretty sure we were assured, right before free-to-play went live, that it would still be free to subscribers (but I'm still looking for a link to that).
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